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Avatar admin | February 7, 2019

Download the Files:

Download the provided MS Word document and the Adobe Acrobat file from Google Drive to your computer. Practice File

Extract Information:

Open the MS Word document and the Adobe Acrobat file to extract the text and logos required for the design.

Set Up Your Adobe Illustrator Document:

Open Adobe Illustrator and create a new document.

Set the appropriate dimensions for your design. For literature, standard sizes like A4 or Letter can be used. For packaging, follow the specific dimensions provided by the pharma company.

Designing Literature (Clifer-F and Ramoxcin):

Header and Logo Placement:

Place the Wellmax Master Logo at the top of the document.

Title and Subtitle:

Add the titles “001 Design a Literature – Clifer-F” and “002 Design a Literature – Ramoxcin” respectively to separate pages.

Content Layout:

Use text boxes to layout the content from the MS Word document.

Format the text to be clear and professional.

Graphics and Images:

Add any relevant graphics or images from the support file or use appropriate stock images.

Branding and Styling:

Ensure the design follows the branding guidelines of Wellmax, using their colors, fonts, and style elements.

Designing the Pack:

Dimensions and Layout:

Set the correct dimensions for the packaging design as specified.

Logo and Branding:

Place the Wellmax Master Logo prominently on the pack.

Product Information:

Include the necessary product information, such as the product name, dosage, and other relevant details.

Graphics and Images:

Use high-quality images and graphics to enhance the design.

Compliance and Legal Information:

Ensure all required compliance and legal information is included on the packaging.

Final Touches:


Double-check all text for any errors.


Ensure the design elements are consistent throughout the literature and packaging.

Saving and Exporting:

Save your work in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format.

Export the final designs in high-resolution PDF format for printing and sharing.

Download this file and design it

MS Word Document

001 Design a Literature – Clifer-F

002 Design a Literature – Ramoxcin

Support file:

Adobe Acrobat File: Wellmax Master Logos



Written by admin

Kodak Preps